Hi 👋 I'm Akshith (G)

I'm a security researcher and a systems programmer. I've contributed to the security of at least two critical systems that you use every day — the Linux Kernel (OS) and Certificate Authorities (PKI).

What I do

I enjoy hacking for fun and profit. I'm a Computer Science PhD student at Oregon State University, where I research software and systems security. I'm advised by Dr. Rakesh Bobba and Dr. Yeongjin Jang.

What I've done

What I'm good at

I excel at static and dynamic program analysis, reverse engineering, and fuzz testing. I enjoy writing good software and breaking bad ones.

People also tell me i'm good at breaking down complex technical concepts for a non-technical audience.

What I'm working on

A security startup that assists in developing software that is Secure by Design. We are currently incubated at the OSU Advantage Accelerator.

I'm working on writing more code in Rust, and exploring the applications of AI/ML in software security.

Happy to chat

  • Security researcher looking to collaborate.
  • Startup/small business looking for security services.
  • Prospective graduate student looking for advice.
  • Recruiter looking to hire a security researcher. (Find my resume here)

Outside of work

I'm often consuming yummy calories and burning them off running trails in the Pacific Northwest 🌲.