Build. Break. Be Curious.
I enjoy building and breaking things. I approach problems with great curiosity and a healthy dose of skepticism.
What I'm up to
I'm about to graduate with a PhD in Computer Science with a focus on software and systems security from Oregon State University.
I believe that building systems and software that are secure by design and default is hard but essential. I'm exploring ways to make this easier and more accessible through my super early stage startup being incubated at the OSU Advantage Accelerator.
What I'm good at
- Building systems with a security by design mindset.
- Understanding large complex systems and finding bugs in them.
- Static & dynamic program analysis, reverse engineering and vulnerability research.
- People like it when I explain hard topics.
Let's Connect
- Security researcher? Let's collaborate.
- Startup or business looking for security expertise? Let’s chat.
- Prospective grad student? Happy to share advice.
- Hiring a security researcher? Find my resume here.
Outside of work
- I hack for fun and profit.
- I love making and eating good food.
- I enjoy running trails 🌲 to burn it off.