Andersen's pointer analysis

Andersen's pointer analysis is a flow-insensitive, context-insensitive, and field-sensitive pointer analysis algorithm. It is used in static program analysis to determine which pointers in a program may point to which memory locations.


andersens pointer analysis

Andersen's analysis constructs a system of inclusion constraints on the points-to sets of pointers. These constraints are then solved to compute the possible memory locations each pointer may reference.

Key Characteristics

  • Flow-Insensitive: Ignores program execution order; treats all statements as if they execute simultaneously.
  • Context-Insensitive: Merges all function calls into a single analysis context.
  • Field-Sensitive: Distinguishes between different fields in a structure (unlike field-insensitive analysis, which merges them).

Inclusion Constraints

StatementInclusion Constraint
a = bPointsToSet(b) ⊆ PointsToSet(a)
a = &bb ∈ PointsToSet(a)
a = *b∀c ∈ PointsToSet(b): PointsToSet(c) ⊆ PointsToSet(a)
*a = b∀c ∈ PointsToSet(a): PointsToSet(b) ⊆ PointsToSet(c)

Input and Output


  1. A - a set of n pointers
  2. S - a set of m pointer-related statements.


  1. Exhaustive analysis - computes PointsToSet(a) for all pointers a ∈ A.
  2. On-demand analysis - Determines whether a specific b ∈ PointsToSet(a) for given pointers a, b ∈ A.

Further Reading

[POPL 2021] The Fine-Grained and Parallel Complexity of Andersen's Pointer Analysis